Five Favorites

Today, I'm linking up with Moxie Wife with my Five Favorites: Tipsy Cupcakes, sumptuous and clever British dramas, and fine cowgirl boots.

Tipsy Irish Coffee Cupcakes

Beautiful photography by my dear friend, Lauren.

Is it acceptable that one of my favorites is my own creation?   Because I really love these.   My editor at Bourbon and Boots asked me to come up with a dessert recipe that featured Irish Whiskey in time for St. Patrick's Day.   My kitchen became a test kitchen and friends became willing taste-testers.   I kept trying to achieve enough coffee and whiskey flavor by adding Irish cream liqueur to the recipe.   Hello, the icing already tastes like cream, so I just needed to add straight whiskey to get the flavor I desired.   Adding instant coffee granules to whipping cream for a layer of chocolate ganache gave me the right touch of coffee balanced with the chocolate in the homemade cake.   One of my friends, Nan, who is a culinary genius, made my day when she just bowed her head and said, "I'm sorry.   I'm having a moment with these right now," after she tasted one of the final products.   Mission accomplished!  A higher compliment than I'd dared hope.   The decadent recipe can be found here.  


Not only was there news that the first read-through for Season 3 of BBC's Sherlock occurred yesterday, but then there was confirmation that there will be a Season 4.   I will be buying this from the UK as soon as it becomes available rather than waiting for it to air on Masterpiece Mystery.   If you've never watched this sharp series which places Sherlock Holmes in modern-day London, you must do so!

Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman at the first read-through for Sherlock season 3.

My New Boots

I bought these gorgeous boots back in November, but I haven't worn them much until recently.   I was raised on a small beef cattle, cow-calf farm, so I've usually had a pair of boots in my wardrobe.   My last pair was about twelve years old and they were so worn a hole finally developed in them.   These are the replacements and I love them.   Beautiful and comfortable!

Lovin' my boots in this picture on my favorite floor in my house:)

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre is one of my favorite--and possibly most favorite--heroines in literature.   I reflected on that previously in this post.   I found out that Susanna White directed an adaptation of Jane Eyre for the BBC and that I had never seen that version.   A lovely group of friends helped remedy that.   We watched the first half and will watch the second half soon.  It is a great adaptation, starring Ruth Wilson and Toby Stephens (son of Dame Maggie Smith).   I will watch anything by White, director of Bleak House and Parade's End.   She has a beautiful eye and manages to bring a modern look to authentically period drama.   And her films are always lush, a treat for the eyes.

 Jane Eyre

Gluten-Free Girl

I don't have celiac and I'm not even gluten-sensitive, but I can't stay away from this site.   Shauna Ahern, Gluten-Free Girl, shows how food writing and photography should be done.   Then, she weaves it all into the story of life, family, and friends.   Her blog is like a great book with the added bonus of beautiful pictures and delicious recipes.   Her latest post is about not fitting in the modern world.

the two of us in Montefalco

Check out the other posts at the Five Favorites link!


  1. 4. I LOVE Jane Eyre and can't believe I have never watched that version of the book. I will need to fix that!

    1. It's SO good! I'm glad I finally discovered it.

  2. That is truly an excellent film adaptation! I really liked how the actress portraying Jane seemed to grow more and more beautiful as the film progressed.

    As somewhat of a Sherlock Holmes purist, I was a little dubious about this modern-day adaptation, but I am thrilled with the results. It's awesome.

    Don't get me started on cupcakes... I used to be a professional baker, and I really miss it.

    1. I think the success of Sherlock is due to the creators being Holmes purists like yourself. Oh, I'd love to get you started talking about any baking!

  3. "I'm sorry. I'm having a moment with these right now." Ha! I love it.


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