Christmas Pictures--Just a Little Late
I am more than tardy when it comes to posting pictures from Christmas 2010. I did not get our Christmas cards made or mailed this year, so I plan on sending cards out this spring. It was a busy December and January!
Our tree this year. I didn't get a night shot with the lights. The Raggedy Ann paper on the gift in front is from an old roll my mom kept. She wrapped presents in it when I was a little girl.
My favorite presents: The girls bought everyone presents at a Santa's Workshop held at the Homeschool Center. They decorated the bags themselves, with pictures special to each person. They were so proud of their shopping trip!
This is what E. left with the cookies and milk. I'm always happy to see their focus on Christ at Christmas. Helping Daddy put Baby Jesus in the nativity after Midnight Mass ("night church") is still what they talk about m...