Thrill Before the Storm
This was one of my first writing assignments as a college freshman. We were instructed to write a descriptive essay. It's one of my favorite things I've ever written. It's not some great literary work and it took tremendous restraint not to correct the many things I'd like to change now. I cringed at some of the cliches and my tendency--overuse-- of repetition is evident. Then, there are the tense issues. It is a favorite, though, because, as I wrote in the previous post , it was one of the first essays I ever "saw." It is also a favorite because it is a description of the storms I regularly witnessed growing up on our farm. I loved watching the approaching storms and taking shelter during their short reign over the land. I post it as part of my mission to record a part of myself on this blog, for myself and my children. I am standing in the middle of a yard. A large br...