Reborn & Repurposed

The final Sunday of Advent turned out to be such a special one for me. I chose to drive past our home parish to attend 5:30 mass at a chapel owned by another parish as part of its school complex. It was once the building for a large Baptist congregation. The Catholic parish bought the building when the Baptist church built a bigger building. It has since been decorated, blessed, and dedicated for Catholic worship. There's something about this chapel to which I strongly relate. Maybe because it, too, has been reborn for a Catholic life and purpose. It still holds remnants of its Protestant, or non-Catholic, past. The Crucifix hangs in what seems a striking blue frame to some. To the knowing eye, the crucifix hangs above what once served as the baptistry, the pool where baptisms as public signs of accepting Christ, not sacraments of regeneration, occurred. The baptistry is now framed by the crucifix, a symbol and t...