"It's Been A Great Year!"
At a time when I am keenly aware of the growth of my children, when I find myself unable to donate baby clothes because I don't want to face the reality that I'm probably not going to have another child, I also find myself looking back at a period of nine months, with its growth, labors, and fruits. So, here I sit, at nearly midnight on my back porch, as I wait for an apple pie to cool, and I try to put down my thoughts about our first year of public school. Nine months ago, I wrote of my feelings on the first day of school for my daughters. After attempting to home school for several years, I had to admit defeat and send my children to school. Even though I was optimistic, I still managed to feel a bit like a failure. I was a pretty darn good teacher back in my classroom days and we had arranged our lives--even purchased our current home--around home schooling. I missed them and looked forward to picking them up each af...