The Abortion Clinic and the Slave Gallery

It's divided the state. The other side will have hell to pay. They have no idea what they've started. These were the words we heard after the pink tennis shoes, after the protests, after the state troopers. Today, the bill has been signed and my Facebook feed is full of the news announced after the signing: our local Planned Parenthood will close its doors for good. Division, controversy, protest: as a child of the deep south, specifically the Delta, these ideas are not new to me. They are the stuff of history at my doorstep and seen from the window of every drive we made in any direction from our Louisiana farm. They are the root of the scars, visible and invisible that still mark the land and people of my homeland. They are the root of the wounds which still flare at times. In the Delta, slavery, segregation, desegregation, racism, race realtions are not distant history and they are not abstr...