Tuesday Folder


No longer will that question be uttered in our house.   I am typing this post on my NEW LAPTOP!!!   Let me introduce you to my last, rather cherished connection to the outside world:

My power cord was frayed and would no longer stay plugged in unless pressure was applied.   For the past few months, I managed to prop it up, finally using a prop from beneath with weight applied from above.   In the photo, a Tide pen, a meat mallet, and an antique candle holder serve to make the connection!  There were other problems, too, that added up to the cost of a new one.    I can be a little frugal and I put it off as long as I could, but I am delighted with my new computer.    We bought it today and I'm up late playing with it while my little ones sleep.

E wanted her training wheels removed and she began to ride on her own by the second day.   She went straight from a tricycle to a big kid bike, so she never had the chance to try to balance on a toddler bike where she would probably feel a little more secure.   I'm always proud when my children stick with something and don't give up when it is challenging.   And I loved the look of pure joy and pride on her face!   She has also been enjoying reading to her sister and brother every day.   I love my big girl!

Couldn't get the video to process.   Maybe next time!


Not only is little T growing, so is his vocabulary.   Let's see if I can remember what he's saying now: bird, grape, mine, stop, help (thanks to Clare), drink, I want some, shoes, Mama, Daddy, Line (big sis), dog, cow (instantly followed by MOOO), ball, doll, baby, night (good night), room, monkey, apple.   I know I'm forgetting something!   Such a sweet little boy!


C's behavior at mass has dramatically improved the past two Sundays.   And they were both 5:30 masses!   Last week, she looked up at me and told me, "Mama, I can be good at mass this time."   And she was!   It melts my heart to hear her sing the Gloria as loudly as she can.   This week, she wanted to know more about the words of consecration.   She has been paying attention all these years!   Thanks be to God for the children who often lead us!

When you come to our home, C may ask you, "Do you like young Mr. Gladstone or old Mr. Gladstone?"   She's fascinated by the images on our 2- volume biography of the British Prime Minister.  


Oct. 1, we celebrated the Feast Day of St. Therese.  E has a name longer than she is and one :) of her middle names is Therese.   We celebrated with blueberry waffles for breakfast and roasted chicken and vegetables for supper.   In between were little activities and E received her first roses--from Daddy.

I developed a strong devotion to St. Therese, the Little Flower, when I was pregnant with E.   She was a nineteenth century French girl who came from a middle class family, but gave up her comfortable lifestyle to follow God as a nun.   Such a beautiful witness for us today!  I am sure the prayers of this holy saint, who lost her mother at a young age, have helped me through the death of my parents.

My friend Regina gave me my copy of Therese' autobiography, The Story of A Soul. for my birthday.   After E was born, Regina began looking for special Therese gifts for Emmeline.   She also decided to buy vases for her as reminders of her patron saint.

St. Therese, pray for us!

It's been a busy two weeks since my last Tuesday folder.   Life is good!  Thanks be to God!


  1. I saw your thumbnail at Catholic Mother's online, and just wanted to let you know I too have three daughters albeit older as my eldest is 15, but they too were always very interested in St. Therese and the children's book we had of her life. What a great idea to celebrate her day.
    Take care,


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