Homemade Butter for Thanksgiving Dinner

My children did this the past two years, so I guess it's on its way to becoming a family tradition.   It's super easy and gives everyone a chance to have a turn.   They are so proud to pass "their" butter around the table.   I could go into the details, but one of the blogs I follow, My Montessori Journey, has a post with directions and pictures.   Why reinvent the wheel?   Enjoy and I hope this becomes a tradition in your home, too!



  1. Thanks for reminding me, Terri. I used to make butter just like this with my students for our Thanksgiving feast. Wish I would have known about that song. Goodness, that seems like 50 years ago. Anyway, I am going to let the kids make butter for Thanksgiving this year.

  2. I'm so excited about the song; we did not do that before!


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