First & From Without
"Is she in there?" "I think so. Should we knock?" This was part of the conversation from my fellow teachers outside my classroom door the morning I returned to work, two months after the birth of my first child. My locked classroom door. I managed to get into the building with no contact with others, cover my window on my door, and lock myself in for a good cry. I did not take separation from my baby very well. I called my husband and told him I just couldn't stay. He called the personnel office and asked about my leave options. Then, he called Mama. "I know it's hard, Joey, but you have to let her face this; she just has to do it." Later, when I talked to Mama, she told me how she felt when she took me to my first day of school. She said leaving me at that poor, old south Louisiana school building was one of the hardest things she ever did. ...
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