London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony

Even though it's been three days, I'm still blown away by the Olympic Opening Ceremony. The director, Danny Boyle, left no doubt as to his talent and artistic genius. I've seen some of his films and I was able to see a broadcast of the play, Frankenstein , he directed in 2011. The opening ceremony had his artistic stamp all over it. The "set" was incredible, with a lush agrarian landscape that changed before our eyes to industrial England. As the set changed, so did the characters and performances, reflecting the incredible history of England during those years since the Industrial Revolution. Boyle has an incredible ability to see meaning and beauty in that which might be dismissed as ugly or messy by others. Then, he portrays it with his unique sensibility which manages to combine urban and industrial with beautiful. Surely, his working-class upbringing in Manchester influenced him. ...