More Home Improvements--Summer 2012

This summer, we've crossed out a few more items on our to-do list.   The kids' bedroom hall got a paint job.   We decided to go ahead and give each of the children his/her own room.   It was sad for me, because it seems as if we are not to be blessed with another child.  We bought a house with four bedrooms in hopes we'd need more space for more little ones, but  I am very thankful that with my health issues we have three beautiful children.   We still have room for room-sharing if needed, though!

E chose a beautiful lavender for her room.   It looks so pretty with the wood floors.   We also changed her bed to a full-size so her room can serve as a guest room for overnight guests.   When I was little, I always had to move out of my room for guests.   We also bought her a headboard.   The kids have never had headboards.   I found great deals on-line on sweet antique-looking metal headboards for the girls.

So pleased with the color.   Now to figure out where to hang things!


Update: New desk and Emmeline chose lovely fashion prints for this wall (50% off at Hobby Lobby).   I spray painted the inexpensive frames.

I love the vintage look, but I thought it was practical, too.   As they grow older, they can paint it a funky, fun color.   Painted black, it can look more sophisticated as they're older.  It will be easier to paint than a wooden headboard.    It should be something they can take away from home and get use out of.


I plan to reattach the door on the dresser and paint the piece turquoise.   It is not solid wood and the veneer has some damage, so I do not feel guilty about painting.   I have green curtains waiting to be hung:)


C chose pink for her room.   It was originally T's room, but we changed things a bit.   The girls had a pink room at the other house, but this shade is even prettier.   She loves her room and her headboard is scheduled to arrive any day.

Now to get brother's train table out of there & hang some things on the walls!

Next step: organize bookshelves!!!!!

The hallway itself got a new paint job, too.   Before this house was put on the market, the owners covered up bad painting with a neutral flat-finish paint.   Horrible with children in a house!   Smudges everywhere and nothing wipes off easily!   So, every room needed help!

It's a pretty taupe, slightly lighter than our living room.   I was so proud of the runner for the hallway: only $20 at TJ MAXX and it matches the rug in the living room perfectly!

Then, I was inspired to change the bathroom a bit.   I love adding color to every room, but in this case, I painted a room WHITE!   I was inspired by a bathroom remodel on Pinterest where the homeowner painted cabinets black in her white bathroom.   The paint was starting to flake  and the cabinets were starting to warp a little in those spots, so they needed to be painted.   The homeowner in the Pinterest re-model went with a subtle beach-inspired theme, but I think I'll hang some graphic London, probably typography-type, prints.  I think London will be calling in our "loo,"  with pops of red and black.  

Our "new" bathroom so far.   The black cabinets are just so sharp-looking!

 T's room will, hopefully, be painted a slate blue this week!   He's so excited to have his turn!

As I was walking through Lowe's I found this lovely glass shade.   I've been looking at a vintage-inspired hand-blown glass fixture on-line for over a year.   It was something I would never buy because it was almost $300, which is way too much for a fixture to hang over our kitchen sink!   Then I found this one.   Look at that amazing price!!!  It's got the hand-blown-bubbly look and when it's lit, it's a beautiful shade of green.   And that price!!!!

Shade on our existing fixture over the sink.   It's a great pop of color and it perfectly matches one of Mama's old glass jars I have in my kitchen.   Did I mention the price??!!

Our front door got a face-lift.   It's a beautiful mahogany door, but the stain was worn in places and the previous owners drilled house numbers into the door (crooked, by the way).   Normally, I hate to see beautiful wood painted, but the damage in the door required paint.   I love red doors.   We had one at our last house and I couldn't wait to see this one red.   It reminds me of the brightly colored doors in England.   One of my friends told me that sometimes convents paint their front doors red, to represent the Sacred Heart of Jesus.   It's meant to serve as a reminder upon entry of entering into the Sacred Heart.   I like that as a reminder each time we enter the door to our family's home.

We also added the metal element above the porch.  Next: black shutters on the windows!   I won't have to custom-order so they're much cheaper than I'd imagined!   Yea!!

More pictures as we progress!!


  1. SO beautiful! I love painted rooms but sure loathe the work...otherwise a lot more of our rooms would be painted by now. And I sure hope someday God sends the world another Duhon! We sure love our sweet friends!

    1. Painting with an infant in the house is pretty much impossible, isn't it?!

  2. It looks so good! I can't wait to see it all when it is finished.


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