{pretty, happy, funny, real}

I'm finally trying to do this link-up with the blogs Like Mother, Like Daughter, since the format works for this share.   Here's a little of the from our week:


It's no secret that pies are my thing.   Some women relax at a mall or a spa, but I love to relax by making homemade pies in my kitchen.    There is a homey and wholesome beauty to the sight of my baking island in the midst of pie-baking.


From apple pies above to the apple which apparently hasn't fallen far...

My daughters love to play school as soon as they get home now.   This is the sight I found in my oldest daughter's room.   It's the same sight my mother found in my room most days of my elementary school years.   It's the sight relatives and friends will always recount from their memories of me.   The tradition continues as my daughters now line up their own dolls and stuffed animals to teach them.


We finished painting the children's rooms and then finally did a little decorating.   This is my youngest daughter's special little shelf.   Loki, the Norse God of Mischief alongside one of her patron saints (middle name), St. Jeanne d'Arc, the Maid of Orleans.   For anyone who knows my spunky, loving gal, this combination makes perfect sense!


My schedule has been so hectic as of late that I haven't had time to read the paper in the mornings, as was my normal habit.   I feel horribly guilty when I see this stack which waits for recycling rather than my hungry eyes.   Soon, soon, I shall return to the feel of newsprint between my fingers rather than a quick swipe or click on a screen!

round button chicken


  1. Nice, Terri!!! I have always wanted to do this too. I love reading everyone else's. Which paper do you read? Reading a newspaper in the morning is a true luxury! Ahhh, the little things! :)

    1. Just the local paper, Julia. I feel strongly about supporting local papers even though I'm nit keeping up with my reading.

  2. Love the picture of the pies in the making. Anytime I bake the scene is never as picturesque at that.


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