FIVE Years Ago Today: Our Greatest New Year's Eve

Thomas Becket, born December 31, 2008, 10:59 a.m., 8 lbs. 9 oz. On the seventh day of Christmas... For Thomas's second birthday, I wrote a bit about the day he was born and included some of his baby pictures: Today, my baby, my little boy, turns five years old and while I am thankful for his healthy growth, I am not taking it extremely well that my baby is five and will start school next year. Thomas is such a sweet boy, always ready with a kiss and hug. He tears around the house, wearing his Thomas the Tank Engine blanket as a cape, as he pretends to be Superman, Thor, or some other super hero. He loves watching Gator Boys and pretending to wrestle his stuffed alligators. He is spoiled by his two big sisters and maybe a bit by his mama. He would eat candy and snack foods all day if we let him, but he also likes to eat ham and eggs, althou...