On the Second Day of Christmas...2013

Thanks to a Groupon deal, our children finally visited the nearby attraction, Santa's Wonderland.   Our discount included entry and a hayride through the light display.   Our understanding is that attendance was unusually large this year and the long lines we experienced are a new occurrence.   We sat in the car line on the feeder road for about an hour.   Then, we waited two hours in line for the hayride before I could not physically stand it another minute.   Pick your sacrifices, as my physical therapist would tell me.   Joey asked the ticket salesman if we could swap our hayride tickets for a car tour.   I could at least sit while I waited!   The lovely man in charge of the hayride asked how long we'd been waiting and then took us to the front of the line where we were seated right away.  

The light displays are beautiful, every employee we encountered was friendly and helpful, there were lots of happy patrons enjoying themselves and buying lots of food and drink, but for us, it's a large sum of money for what it is and we probably won't go again unless we win tickets.    For a Christmas wonderland, it just makes more sense for us to combine visiting friends with a trip to Natchitoches, the City of Lights, in Louisiana.   We pay for gas, but once there, the lights AND fireworks show are free.  The weekend we went to Natchitoches, there was no admission fee for the area right along the river, but on Festival weekend (first Saturday of December) and other weekends, there is an admission charge ($5, ages 12 and up, on non-Festival weekends), although you can always view the lights and fireworks free of charge from Front Street.    



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