Five Favorites

I've been working on several posts lately, but I've not published any of them here, so I'll join Hallie Lord's fun link-up at Moxie Wife . 1. Buckskin Bill Black I grew up watching Buckskin Bill's television show every weekday morning on WAFB-TV in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He told stories, talked to his puppet named "What'sYourName?" (if you wrote a letter and asked, he would say his name was yours for the day), showed cartoons, and taught children to turn Monday into a Fun Day by doing the Monday Morning March. Mama loved to tell people how cute I was, marching around our living room as I did the March along with Buckskin Bill. Before my time, he decided Baton Rouge needed a zoo and worked to make it happen. Then, he led a penny drive so the children of the area could contribute enough pennies to purchase two elephants for the zoo. I love this man and I'm so happy he was a part of my childhood. It's worth ...