Five Favorites

This week's link-up with Hallie Lord at Moxie Wife: British, kitchen, and flowers

It's BACK on PBS Masterpiece for Season 2.   I've avoided spoilers from the UK as much as I can since the episodes have already aired there.   I love the characters, every last one of them, especially Jenny Lee, Chummy, and Sister Monica Joan.    It's just a simple, but beautiful story of life--and the search for real love in all its forms-- in the East End of London in the 1950s.   It's is based on the memoirs of Jennifer Worth and it is narrated by the older Nurse Jenny Lee.   She recounts leaving her sheltered life to live in a convent clinic where she works as a newly certified midwife.   The show is not what we might expect in the US, where such a title might denote an anti-doctor, anti-hospital message.   It shows the NHS (National Health Service) bringing trained midwives (also certified nurses), under the supervision of doctors, to women who had no professional health care before.   Jenny learns to look past the exterior and surroundings to see real, complicated people.   It is beautifully filmed and written.   The actors are superb.   I'm looking forward to Episode 2 of Season 2 this Sunday night.   Season 1 is available on Netflix and the first episode of Season 2 is on the PBS website.

2. theKitchn 

No, that's not misspelled.   It's one of my favorite Food websites.   I love the tours of REAL people's REAL kitchens.  These are places where people actually cook and gather with family and friends; they are not showplaces.  The recipes are varied, fresh, and fabulous.  It also offers practical organization and food budgeting advice.  It's just original and a happy place to spend a few clicks of the mouse.   This week, I'm especially loving the vintage print on a tea towel (on the right in picture below) featured in a happy simple apartment kitchen tour (see, REAL places) and an incredibly delicious-sounding recipe for a BAKED RICOTTA appetizer.   Yum!

3. BBC Radio 4

Almost a British theme going here!   I usually have this station playing on my iPhone or laptop throughout the day.   I love the quality dramas, news programs and interviews with fascinating people.   I like listening to the coverage of Parliament and weather (because I'm weird like that) and I think it's nice to have a different perspective on happenings in the world, although there are many Americans on the programs.   It's where I got most of my election news last fall.   It's where I find out about interesting new books, also.

4. Fresh Flowers

I don't buy fresh flowers as often as I should.   I bought these beautiful tulips for our Easter table and they are still brightening our days of the Octave of Easter.   The vases belonged to Mama.

5. Key Lime Pie

I only make this for special people or special occasions because it's a little time-consuming.   Easter deserves a pie that takes extra time and work.   I love the fresh, vibrant tartness and color.   Here are my two favorite recipes from my pie blog for this delicious slice of refreshment.

A Blessed Easter to you and yours and check out more Five Favorites at (this week taken over by Jen Fulwiler)!


  1. that pie looks sooooooo yummy!! And, I think I'll find some time to watch that Call the Midwife sometime soon. Looks good!

  2. that pie does look delish! now I am inspired to make something citrusy sweet this week. good idea!
    I jut got season one of the midwife on DVD. can't wait to get started.


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