Searching After Cannas & the Image of God
All three of my children started school this year. All three. Thomas is now a proud kindergartner. Clare is in second grade. Emmeline began intermediate school which means a locker and schedule to remember. My house is nearly silent during the day and it feels very empty and lonely. I have to stop here and step off any pity train, though. Every school day, I climb into my car and get to pick up my babies from school. Then, I get to spend the rest of the evening with them, along with the weekends and holidays. My house is not always empty. It's not the same as the seven years we waited for the sounds of children to fill our home. The idea of returning to homeschooling has been very appealing to me recently. It's been appealing because I want my children with me all the time. I honestly miss them. My head soon takes...