October and Halloween 2014

Avoiding all Halloween décor in favor for only harvest items?    Nevermore...
...but that's a whole other post.
Our Poe little display (technically, those aren't ravens, I know)
Poe, but proud.   I'll stop now.

Pumpkin Patch Pictures

First Kindergarten Field Trip:  Oil Ranch

Thomas woke us up at 6:00 that morning, dressed and ready to go.   He was so excited and I am so very thankful I was able to chaperone.   It's the first field trip I've ever been able to attend as a parent, since I always had Thomas home with me for the girls' trips.   As his smile shows, he had a fantastic time!

Kindergarten Dress-Up Day & Pumpkin Party!


I love his teacher's classroom parties.   The children attend fun stations with games, snack-making, arts & crafts, etc... and then they get to enjoy their treats.   They have a blast and it's so organized.

We don't get little bags of chips very often so they're a BIG DEAL.

Super Heroes Trick-or-Treating

I tried my hand at making a costume:)

Black Widow


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