A Forced New Ride

Back in August, a week before school started, the children and I were headed to one of my doctor appointments. We didn't make it to the appointment because a truck slammed into us at a red light. Thankfully, none of us were hurt, but the van was rendered immobile due to the way the body crushed into the rear tire. Every safety feature worked and the parts crumpled just as they were designed in a wreck. It was that side of the van that received the most damage and it was right over that tire where Clare was sitting. The guys at the body shop were surprised no one was hurt. She is still worried about car wrecks and last week, when we had a delayed start because of ice and sleet, I kept the kids at home because she was upset about the road conditions. You shouldn't be able to see through that section in the middle. Closer view: top middle is the seatbelt holding Clare's booster ...