A Great Day

Last night, I made the kids' lunches so the meals were ready in the refrigerator this morning (whilst standing on a clean kitchen floor).   I made the kids' oatmeal and made my own eggs and coffee before we left for school.   I was able to go to a prayer group for moms that was held at a dear friend's house.   I stayed too late talking, but it was so nice!   I made supper all by myself (red beans and rice, cornbread) AND did the dishes.   The lunches for tomorrow are prepared. 

I haven't been able to do this much in twenty-four hours for a few months.   It's been a great day and I would just like to share that.   Thanks be to God.


  1. Yea for good days, Terri! So glad to hear that.

  2. Yea, Terri! So glad to hear! =) Good days should be celebrated!


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