
C.O.D--Cash on Delivery--remember that on old television product offers?

Friday, I received a late Christmas card from the daughter of Mama's best friend.   She had mailed the card earlier but it was returned and between then and now, her mom gave her two pictures.   They are from May of 1991, the weekend of my high school graduation.   Mrs. Carmel and five of her six children travelled to spend the weekend with us.   One of the pictures was much like one in my photo album from my high school days.   It was a picture of me, in cap and gown, between my parents.   It was the top of the stack in the envelope.  

The second picture--one I'd never seen-- threw me.   Tears, as I leaned against the kitchen counter.  

C.O.D.?   Comfort on Delivery...comfort I miss so much, but have such memories of, and comfort that I am hopefully able to give my own children.   It is possible to be overcome by thankfulness and sadness. 



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