This Stepford moment is brought to you by White Lily Flour, "The Light Baking Flour"

Now, on a completely non-sentimental note, I have found a most amazing product.   As a southern cook, I usually only think of Martha White flour, and then mostly in its self-rising form.   Recently, I decided to try another Southern favorite, White Lily flour, for the first time.   It is beautiful flour; it is so fine that it is almost like cake flour and it makes the lightest biscuits, muffins, scones, and cakes.   Yes, I go back to my gym sessions Monday!   How have I been without this flour all these years?!

Also, I have followed another piece of wisdom from one of my culinary heroes, Ina Garten.   I have switched to buying only extra-large eggs and my meringues have never been higher or fluffier!   It has made a huge difference in my baking.   And she's also right about adding coffee to chocolate recipes.   It does intensify the flavor of the chocolate.   Thank you, Ina!

Really, in reference to Stepford Wives (the original; I've never seen the re-make.  It's one of those movies I'm embarrassed to admit I always get sucked into when it's on television)   I, for one, would love to go grocery shopping in a big, floppy hat and white gloves;)

Chicken and Biscuits: It's What Was For Dinner
Thomas after said Chicken and Biscuits


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