Tuesday Folder

Imagine that!   Me--late--with a Tuesday folder.   Gee, that never happened when I taught!   This Tuesday folder has to be all about our big weekend visit with friends.   Regina and the girls came for the first time since C was baptized!   Regina and I have been friends since we sat by each other in Coach Cox's ninth grade World Geography class and best friends since eleventh grade.    We were all beyond excited!  We just hung out and visited most of the time and it was wonderful, even if we did pay for staying up until 3 a.m. talking the first night!   The girls made chocolate chip cookies and I promised myself to cook with my children more.   My recent Pampered Chef order included several items specifically bought for them to use in the kitchen.

We were also able to share in the joyous occasion of the baptism of my friend Stephanie's baby, Spencer.  Afterward, we went to the pool party for the baptism and her daughter, Lauren's birthday.   Regina was able to meet several of my friends here and she commented how she REALLY liked them all.  She told me how blessed I was to have women like that as friends.   I knew that, but it's always good to be reminded of God's blessings!

It was a busy week, getting ready for the visit and trying to cram as much in as possible before school started yesterday.  And, oh, yeah, E started first grade--home school-style--yesterday.   She really enjoyed it and I'm so glad the school year started on such a happy note!   It is so nice to get so much done one-on-one.   I can tell if she's ready to move on or needs to review and adjust accordingly.

As part of a better schedule for our family, I'm trying to restrict and limit my computer time.   So, I'm taking a little Facebook break.   It may only last a few days, but hopefully it will help me check-in less often.   The problem is the e-mail alerts, but I hate to disable them completely.   Does it count if I read the alert, but don't go to the Facebook link?!
The "cousins"
Rachel reading to the bunch of them!
T adds ingredients to the cookies.
Love this one of Aunt G and T!
Together again!


  1. You got some great pictures of the new memories you made. I'm glad you guys had a great time. Thanks, again for coming to our special day.


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