Happy 235th Birthday

On 16 December 1775 the future literary great, Jane Austen, entered the world.   This year marks the 235th anniversary of her birth.

My preference for literary escapes is the nineteenth century.   When I was expecting  my son, I was reading Richard Shannon's biography of the Victorian prime minister Gladstone.   After Thomas was born, PBS's Masterpiece Theater showed productions of several Charles Dickens works in a row, including the beautiful Bleak House.   Dickens fan or not (the horror!), you must watch this movie.   It is a beautiful example of a modern take on a faithful period piece.

Another beautiful modern example is the 2007 ITV1 production of Persuasion .   It actually manages to capture the breathless and sometimes deliciously frustrated feelings you experience as a reader.   Plus, Rupert Penry-Jones is a favorite actor of mine!    I can never quite settle on my favorite character from Austen's works: Darcy, Captain Wentworth, or Mr. Knightley?   Can there be a wrong choice among such a list?

Longer posts about Jane Austen will have to wait for another time.   For now, peruse the activities related to her birthday at Jane Austen's World.   I'll be making cherry cream scones tomorrow in honor of this great lady and re-reading some of my favorite dog-eared portions of her novels.

Happy Birthday, Jane and thank you.

Two of my favorite Jane Austen quotes which reflect my feelings about friendship

""There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends.   I have no notion of loving people by halves; it is not my nature."   

and hospitality in our current home:

"...and found rooms so small as none but those who invite from the heart could think capable of accommodating so many." 

This beautiful graphic was created by my creative friend, Lauren.   She's amazing!  (You should see the lovely Jane Austen note cards she made.)  


  1. The second quote is one of my favorites! It's how I've always felt of our home. One of my fondest Thanksgiving memories is the year we opened our home to several sailors (from TJ's ship) and some fellow fishermen (winter Texans, I suppose), who had no family nearby to celebrate with. My kitchen was smaller then, but my home never seemed so grand as when it was full of laughter that day!


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