Officially a Toddler

Two whole years have gone by since the New Year's Eve morning when I checked myself into the hospital to be induced.   My due date was January 2 and December 31 was my doctor's first day from vacation.   Plus, it gave us a few extra days for Joey to be home from work since we had no family coming to help us.  I had to check in at six in the morning and Joey stayed at home with the girls so they could wake up at their normal time and not have a hurried, hectic morning.   Clare.'s godparents, Ray and Leslie, offered to watch the girls.   Joey drove them to their house and got to the hospital after nine o'clock.  

After ten o'clock, I told Joey to get the nurse and she immediately called the doctor, without checking on me.   Later, I found out that my doctor told her that when I said it was time to page her because I would know.   Our sweet Thomas Becket was born at 10:59.  We named him after the English martyr, Thomas Becket.   I have a tremendous devotion to the English martyrs and saints, made even stronger after our visits to England.   Our visit to Canterbury holds a special place in my heart.

It was a little different being in the hospital during a holiday.   People were working different shifts from normal and check-out didn't run as smoothly as usual.   Plus, it is hard to ask friends for help during such a busy time.   So, Joey stayed at home that night with the girls and I spent the night alone with Thomas.   That was different from the birth of the girls.

Proud Big Sisters in their scrubs made by Aunt Amber just for the occasion.

 She told everyone, "Now, I'm a Double Big Sister!"   She was SO happy to have Thomas!

 We were released the next day, thanks be to God.   He was a perfect little gift under our tree!

Thanks be to God for the privilege of being a mother to daughters and a son.   It is so wonderful to experience both and I am so grateful.

Happy Birthday, sweet boy; you make us all so happy!


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