Five Favorites

 Another link-up this week with Moxie Wife's fun FIVE FAVORITES:

1. Purple Fences

I WILL paint my backyard fence purple!  How lovely are these fences?!

2. R. Riveter Military Bags

I'm loving these R. Riveter (as in Rosie the Riveter) bags from   They are made from army surplus materials and each style is named after a famous military wife.   Each bag is created by a military wife.

3.  Big Chill Appliances

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the retro-look line of appliances from Big Chill.   It's just hard to decide if turquoise, seafoam green, or red is the best color!

4. Oven-Roasted Shrimp

Forget boiling shrimp.   Oven-roasted shrimp are delicious!   This weekend, we marinated ours w/one of McCormick's dry packages and then roasted them at 450 for about 12 minutes.   Amazing in a wrap or on their own.

5.  Real Farmers

This one really cracked me up, especially "What Society Thinks I Do."  The final real one is exactly right, from my experience of growing up on our little cattle farm!

Check out more Five Favorites at!


  1. Hey there, new visitor here from Hallie's link-up. I enjoyed your faves, especially the 50's inspired bag and kitchen stuff... I'm on the fence between blue and pink! And the purple fences are beautiful.

  2. Loveee the R. Riveter bag. I'm now on a mission to find a cheaper knockoff version. :)

  3. Ha ha ha.. I love the Real Farmers. I grew up on a farm so I can relate.. my husband is an Engineer so no farming now, but I do miss our cows!

    LOVE the purple fence.. oh my goodness!! We don't have one, but Ive been on the lookout for one. So pretty with the greenery and then flowers. *Swoon*


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