Spring Break: DIY, Zoo Time & St. Patrick's Day

No big trips.   Just a relaxed schedule, a day trip, special food treats, and a few spring sprucing projects.

I've been watching this lantern at Hobby Lobby for almost a year.   I could only find one at a time and figured that was a sign I didn't really need them.   This past week, candle holders and metal decorative items were 50 % off and there were two lanterns!   We installed them on our front porch and they add such a welcoming touch.   It's beautiful to have real candlelight at the front door.

Real candles!

I'm in a painting mood.   So, don't stand still for long at our house!   I painted the kitchen door leading into the garage and the exterior side of the back porch door this lovely turquoisey-teal color.   Such a happy touch of color!   And I'm getting better at painting without taping off the area.   Angled brushes are the key.

See, that birdhouse sat still too long near the paint.

We took a day trip to the zoo in Waco on the advice of many friends who said it is the best zoo for little ones.   It is a lovely zoo and we ended up buying a year's membership so we can go back.   Plus, we get free admission to the Houston Zoo.

My comment to the kids: "And this is why Mama never went swimming in our pond on the farm."

"Not ANOTHER picture!"

Love the slide in the otter pond!

We joined friends for a fun St. Patrick's Day party.   Delicious corned beef, potatoes, key lime pie and real Irish coffees.   Good conversation & friends, along with Argentinian wine to celebrate a new pontiff.  'Tis a grand time!

Yep, that's 20 children!


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