Easter 2012

I'm a little behind on the blog, so I'm trying to catch up with a few posts.

Easter was a wonderful celebration this year!   I spent the day before baking and occasionally staring at the Cadbury creme eggs and Elmer's candies.    We went to the Easter Vigil Mass at our parish.   It was so beautiful.   I love to see the converts as they are baptized and/or receive first communion and are confirmed.   The kids handle the mass well; I think it's because there's so much happening, from the fire pit outside to the glorious music and candlelight.   When we returned, I had my first Cadbury egg!

The next day, the children enjoyed their Easter baskets.   The Bunny and I may need to have speaks--sugar overload!   That afternoon, we spent the afternoon with friends for Easter dinner and an egg hunt.   Blessings abounded!

I wait for Cadbury Creme Eggs every year.   When I went to England, I was so thrilled to see vending machines that offered creme eggs ALL YEAR LONG.   See, it is a magical place.   The Elmer's candies are from New Orleans and they are the candies of my childhood Easter baskets.  

Easter Egg hunt
The menfolk

Love this picture Lauren took of E and I

Megan's the ultimate hostess.   Here is her Easter dessert buffet.   In the front is the lamb cake she made.   Her grandmother always made one for Easter and now Megan uses her cake mold to carry on the tradition.   The kids' favourite!
Lauren took this picture of her apple pie.   The kids' other favourite of the day.   It was amazing!

Lauren's picture of my pies--Coconut Creme Meringue and Lemon Meringue
Our Easter dessert tradition: 3 layer Coconut Cake


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