Our Lady's Brunch

This year, I was able to attend the annual Our Lady's Mother's Day brunch at our church.   The past few years, I've either had a nursing baby or we've been out of town.   It's such a nice event.    Ladies host tables; each table is beautifully decorated around the theme of one of the titles of Mary.

The guest speaker was Jennifer Fulwiler, a former atheist who converted to Catholicism.   She blogs at Conversion Diary and for the National Catholic Register.   It was a beautiful, moving talk; there's no way I can begin to summarize it.   This is the link for Jennifer's post where she wrote about the story she shared with us.   Few dry eyes in the room as she finished.   It was humbling and she had to have been led by the Holy Spirit as she spoke to us.   It was refreshing--spiritually, mentally, emotionally-- to spend such a beautiful morning with wonderful women.   I'm so glad I was able to make it this year!

Megan and Lauren's beautiful table


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