A Joyous Celebration

This weekend, we celebrated E's reception of First Holy Communion.   As an adult convert, my memories of first communion are part of the Easter Vigil mass where I was baptized, received first communion, and was confirmed.   I am so happy for her and so thankful that she didn't have to wait that long!   Thanks be to God!   We had a house full for her reception after and I didn't get pictures as I should have.   I always feel so blessed with a house full!

Her dress will be a family dress, passed down through the years.   E's name and first communion date are embroidered on the slip.   We also have a family baptismal gown, with each child's name and date embroidered.   T will NOT have to wear this dress, though;)

Her godmother, Nancy bought her veil, which made it extra special (gloves also)

The dressmaker also sells replicas of the dresses for dolls.Emmeline was so excited over her doll's matching dress.


with Deacon Ted

with Fr. Edwin

at rehearsal


  1. Beautiful pictures, beautiful day! What a joyous celebration!!

  2. So beautiful! Congrats...wish we could have been there!


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