7 Quick Takes

Here are my 7 Quick Takes as part of the link-up with Jennifer at Conversiondiary.com


The first time I noticed a post from this link-up, it was abbreviated 7qt.   I thought it was a link to a canning recipe or maybe Tupperware had a new big bowl, since I just glanced and saw what I thought was an abbreviation for 7 quarts.   Have to admit: little disappointed for a brief moment.   I really like my big Tupperware bowl.


My children are really getting bigger.   The girls helped me fill out birthdays on our calendar and I couldn't believe I had to write 7th and 10th on their birthdays.   I was blessed with some sleep sweetness this week and glimpses to remind me they're still little and it's not all gone by yet.

The boy.   I didn't catch a pic of big sister sleeping


I really enjoyed an article on Word on Fire this week: Lent: What I Have Done and What I Have Failed to Do.   Ellyn von Huben looked at different pieces of art with a Catholic eye.   It was fascinating and made me want to see the painting in person one day:

That Which I Should Have Done I Did Not Do by Illinois’ own Ivan Le Loraine Albright. It is known also by the simple title, The Door.

Over the years, I’ve started to see The Door in a different light, with a real sense of pain and understanding of That Which I Should Have Done I Did Not Do. Now there are things that I should have done that I did not do: some small, some egregious. Seeing the decay, the funereal wreath, well beyond wilted, the withered hanky-clutching hand with a single pip of lily of the valley reaching for the door knob reeks of regret. The monumental size of the painting drives home the reality. Is this not a visualization of the words in the Confiteor “. . . in what I have done and in what I have failed to do”?


In an attempt to make my living room more cozy, I rearranged the furniture and began to rearrange the wall hangings.   I still have some old family photos and other pieces to hang, but it's a start and an improvement, I think.

I was happy to get more of Mama's paintings up in a more visible location.

Well, I finally had others to talk to about season 3 of Downton Abbey.  I watched it early after it aired in the UK.    I loved season 1, but 2 and 3 were a bit soap opera-ish, although 3 was an improvement on 2.   Without giving away any spoilers, I was very sad at Sunday's episode for the sake of one character, Mary.   It was especially sad as she expressed how only one person knew her true self.   But, I'll be honest, the way IT (the surprising event) happened was a little hokey.  I kept expecting an animated bluebird to sit on Matthew's shoulder as he drove.  I was feeling bad about that until I spoke to other friends who agreed.

I found this article, How Elementary Silenced Its Critics, about the CBS copy-cat Sherlock Holmes program, Elementary, where Holmes is set in modern times like the BBC original, Sherlock.    I was struck by this part of the piece, though, as the author talked about the difference between his viewpoint and that of the general viewing population:

Just as our Twitter feeds provide a warped porthole onto the outside world, magnifying a niche event until it feels as if everyone (not just that every one of the few hundred people we’ve chosen to listen to) is talking about it, so do sites like this. At any given time, plenty of people are getting on with their lives and planning to watch a bit of telly after work, not reading multiple reviews of the same thing and getting stuck in with the online debates. Den of Geek and its ilk spoil us for the real world.

It reminded me of a real danger for us in this internet age as we customize our own little world with opinions that mirror ours.   We run the danger of being too narrow in our understanding of what's going on in the world and limit our appreciation of God's beauty and truth in all its forms.   It's hard to make informed decisions with incomplete information.

I think of this when I see people arguing back and forth on Facebook (I'm not talking about reasonable discussions).   There are literally billions of people on the planet who have no idea of the controversy igniting tempers, who have no idea who you are, and I dare say, could care less.   Perspective.   A person can stay above the fray and still be a part of the New Evangelization in social media.

 Some of my dear friends, Lauren and Julia, and I have started a new Pinterest account called This Catholic Life.   You can find us at http://pinterest.com/CatholicLife/ as we pin favorites to inspire, encourage, or just to give us a good laugh.

Check out other Quick Takes at: Conversion Diary.com!



  1. Haha about the big tupperware bowl. Are we allowed to use the name 7QT with Jen Fulweiler's blessing? :) I have been scratching my head all week trying to come up with a little catchy phrase for my Friday blog posts and the only thing I'm catching around here is a draft.

    Love the link to the What I have Done article. Thanks for sharing all that you share. I always appreciate the fullness of your perspectives.

  2. Yes, you can use it as long as you link back to her 7QT:)


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