A New Painting: A New Reminder

As part of my recent attempts to cozy up our home (since it's only been almost two years since we moved in), I finally hung up this little painting I purchased in November.

I bought this from the artist at a festival.   It reminded me of the rolling farmland we saw from our windows on our many trips to east Texas over the past few years.   All those trips we made to my parents' home after my Mama's death and after my dad went into a nursing home.   All those trips to check on the house, to clean out the house, and to finally sell the house.   All those heavy, hard trips which left me drained and emotionally wrung-out.

But, take my word for it,  this picture is beautiful and it's bright.   It reminds me not of the heavy, hard trips, but of the glimpse of beauty and the true pleasure I took in seeing that beauty as we drove to our heavy destination.   It's a reminder of God always being there, of friends like Amber  who would meet me at the house and help me clean or watch the children.    It reminds me of the good of the past and all the good there still is in the future.

And we all need those little reminders every day. 


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