A Recipe for Mardi Gras: King Cake

My post this month is up at Bourbon and Boots.com and it’s all about the star attraction at any Mardi Gras gathering: King Cake.

Check out a little history of the holiday and a recipe for a delicious homemade King Cake:

One common element of the celebration, enjoyed by schoolchildren, families, and French Quarter revelers, is the King Cake. Made from a traditional yeast dough, the ring-shaped cake is frosted and decorated with colored sugars. The cake is named after the Three Kings who visited the baby Jesus and it is first served on Epiphany, the day which commemorates their visit. It is the custom to place a small baby figurine inside the cake. The person who finds the baby is responsible for bringing the next king cake or throwing the next party. Every teachers’ lounge and break room in south Louisiana will have at least one of these pastry treats every Friday during the season.   


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